Catholic Commission for Employment Relations
Established to advise Catholic employers in NSW and the ACT. Includes structure, sectors, child support services and legislative compliance.
Catholic Development Fund
Provides services for individuals, parishes, and school and church agencies in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
Catholic Development Fund Tasmania
Newsletter, investment inquires, location and contact details for a savings fund for schools and parishes.
Catholic Education Business Administrators
Formed to bring together business administrators essentially working in Catholic secondary schools in Victoria.
Catholic Health Australia
The national organisation representing more than 680 health care sponsors. Includes research, publications, events, programs and directories.
Catholic Homes for the Elderly Inc.
Providing housing in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Includes news and information on careers, residential care, retirement villages and living units.
Catholic Mission
Official mission aid agency. Includes a bulletin board and stories and photos from the field.
Flame Ministries International
History, mission, counselling services, prayer chain, newsletter, sample articles from Blaze magazine, education information and contact details.
Jesuit Publications
Includes information on the magazines; Australian Catholics, Eureka Street and Madonna.
Jesuit Social Services
Information about this organisation which helps needy people. Includes news, publications and volunteer information.
Liturgy Planning
Offers liturgies under categories of children, youth and adults. Requires payment of a membership fee for full access.
Mercy Foundation
Part of a network of organisations founded by the Sisters of Mercy to serve the community.
Pauline Books & Media Australia
Offers books, cds and community kits on topics which include education, theology, music and philosophy. A ministry of the Daughters of St. Paul.
Sisters of Charity – Foundation
Provides support and financial assistance to community initiatives that benefit the poor and the under-served.
Social Action Office
Invloved in education, advocacy and networking to help those affected by unjust structures. Includes research, links, urgent actions and a newsletter.
Society of Christian Doctrine in Australia
Includes a magazine, heritage, beatification mass, testimonials and rosary devotion.